Bankruptcy Filling Center
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We Offer Statewide Service for Personal and Business Bankruptcy!
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How Can CLA Help You
If you or your business are unable to repay outstanding debts, then Bankruptcy may be the next logical legal step to help protect you and/or your business. The bankruptcy process can deliver freedom from debt to individuals and business while simultaneously providing repayment for their creditors. In most cases a bankruptcy begins with a petition filed by the debtor (you or your business).
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Easy Payment Bankruptcy Filing
Who can benefit from filing Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can provide a fresh start to eligible consumers and businesses by wiping out (discharging) certain debts like credit cards and a variety of different loans. Bankruptcy can also be used (in certain circumstances) as a way to:
- Stop and recover garnishment funds
- Stop repossessions
- Reduce car loan balances and interest rates
- Stop foreclosures and cure mortgage arrears
- Eliminate or reduce taxes
- Eliminate lease or supplier obligations for Business Owners
Even with all of these wonderful benefits, our firm believes that bankruptcy should be a last resort for anyone in financial distress.

Our Bankruptcy Attorneys Are Here to Help if You are:
Drowning In Debt
Facing Foreclosure
Threatened With Wage Garnishment
Trying To Avoid Auto Repossessions
Being Harassed By Collection Companies
Looking For A Way To Legally Wipe The Slate Clean
Which BK filing is right for you?
In order to determine which bankruptcy filing might be right for you, ask yourself these questions.
- Are you trying to get rid of your debts?
- Are you trying to save your home or other assests?
- Are you an individual or married couple?
- Are you a corporation or partnership?
What are these Chapters and
how do they work?
You may or may not know that there are different types of bankruptcy filings. These types are called chapters because they refer to different chapters in the United States Bankruptcy Code. Each of these chapters allow for different types of debt relief for different types of individuals and entities. For this page we will focus more on Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and ignore Chapters 9, 12, and 15.
Bankruptcy is sometimes referred to as a “personal bankruptcy” case. Chapter 7 has also been called a “Consumer Bankruptcy”, “Straight Bankruptcy,” and “Bankruptcy Liquidation. Many people who qualify will find this type of filing very helpful since it doesn’t require any repayment plans. Certain assets can be protected and the whole process takes only a few months to complete. Best of all, in most cases you’re debt free!
is a Reorganization or Restructuring of corporations and partnerships. It’s most often used by large businesses, but it can also help certain people and small-business owners. Chapter 11 is a more complicated bankruptcy filing, but can be useful if you don’t qualify for Chapter 13.
If you own a business this may be the best option for you
is a Reorganization/debt repayment for individuals with “regular income”. Chapter 13 will reorganize your debts and put you on a path to building a successful future. If you are facing foreclosure or are in jeopardy of losing your home, a Chapter 13 filing creates an automatic stay that stops most collection actions. The automatic stay will also stop a foreclosure. A Chapter13 protects your property while giving you time to payoff your debts within a monthly payment plan.
Debt Settlement vs Bankruptcy and why bankruptcy may be the better option
The Covid-19 pandemic has put many people all around the world in a financial struggle that nobody could have imagined. Credit cards have been maxed out and mortgage and personal loans have been defaulted on which opens the doors for a lot of unwanted creditor phone calls and law suits. With consumer debt reaching the highest we have ever seen, many hard-working people are now having to weigh their options between debt settlement and filing bankruptcy. But what people don’t know is how they may be affected by this in the long run. Many people have chosen to go into debt settlement only to realize that they put themselves in a potentially dangerous situation only to end up right where they began. However, filing bankruptcy can legally relieve you of your debts as well as all the stress that comes with it. Before making your decision, it is important to speak to a professional to make sure you are making the right choice. Below are some things to know about debt settlement and bankruptcy.
Debt settlement is when a debt settlement company will try to negotiate a settlement in an attempt to reduce the overall amount of debt that you owe, but this has a very low success rate and in the long run will leave you open to lawsuits. It is not a legal process so for a debt settlement company to try and settle your debts they must threaten your creditors that you are going to stop paying them in attempt to negotiate a settlement. Those creditors are under no legal obligation to accept your debt settlement company’s offer; therefore, they can sue you. They can then obtain a judgment against you and go after your bank accounts, attach your paycheck and more. This process will also delay resolving your most critical debt as the negotiation and payment process can take up to 2 or more years. This leaves you open to harassing phone calls and lawsuits throughout the entire process. You will also be subject to pay income tax on any unpaid debts that may be negotiated. For example, if you owe a debt in the amount of $25,000 and it is negotiated down to $15,000, the government will view the remaining $10,000 as income and you will be required to pay taxes on it. It is important to know all the pros and cons before making a decision to go into debt settlement.
Bankruptcy is your chance to legally wipe out most or all of your debts at one time which is often the best option to eliminate the exposure of potential lawsuits, judgments, bank account attachments and pay garnishments. It will even stop those unwanted and harassing creditor calls and letters. Bankruptcy can also save you from possibly losing your home to foreclosure, or your vehicle from repossession. Since the pandemic, many people have filed bankruptcy to give them the fresh start they need by being a quick and efficient solution to their debt problems. Bankruptcy is not a business negotiation, it is a legal process designed to protect consumers, and the best part is you do not have to pay taxes on the debts that are dissolved. You want to make the best decision for you and your family so it is important that you speak to a legal professional to make sure you are making the right choice. We all need to move forward, and it’s never been more important that we make the right decisions for our future.
Why Choose Us
Our firm believes everyone deserves quality and compassionate legal representation. Let our years of experience work for you.

We understand where you’re coming from. All members of our team have years of experience helping people who are having extreme financial difficulties. We are here to help you get through those troubling times.
Our Attorneys have helped thousands of consumers and have been practicing law in the state of Florida for decades. We know bankruptcy and consumer law inside and out. You can utilize our years of experience to navigate your current situation and find a solution.
We are a passionate and aggressive firm dedicated to protecting consumer rights. If any of your creditors have violated your rights, WE WILL pursue them for damages on your behalf.
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Easy Payment Bankruptcy Filing

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Indianapolis, IN 46220
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New York, NY 10123
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2050 Fairfax Ave.,
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
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7000 Houston Road, Ste. 17
Florence, KY 41042
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135 East College Street,
Granville, OH 43023
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733 Arnold Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19111
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Sacramento, CA 95811
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